The term oral vestibule refers to the entry to your mouth. Think of it as the “front door” of your smile. If you need dentures or implants and do not have sufficient gum tissue to support them, Dr. Joyce Ma can see you for vestibuloplasty in Bridgewater, New Jersey. Call Precision Digital Dentistry at 908-450-7788 for an appointment with our dentists to see if your smile could benefit from this treatment.
Our dentists may suggest a vestibuloplasty to help build up this area of your mouth. A shallow vestibule can make it difficult for dentures to stay in place or retain a dental implant and keep the area clean. This treatment increases the size of the vestibule for better-fitting restorations and oral health.
At our office, we use laser vestibuloplasty to improve your smile. The lasers remove muscle fiber, widen the vestibule and speed up the healing process. You may need to see our dentists for two appointments. By using laser technology, we can reduce the chance of scarring and remove the need for stitches.
If you are thinking about partial or complete dentures, planning to see our dentists for a dental implant or feeling that your dentures do not fit you as well as they should, call our office and one of our team members can schedule your visit.