The temporomandibular joint, or TMJ, is the joint that connects the lower jaw to the rest of the head so you can perform daily actions such as speaking, eating and yawning. When this joint is stressed, injured or misaligned, it can cause significant discomfort and impact your quality of life. TMJ disorders, also known as TMD, may occur as a result of stress, bruxism (teeth grinding and clenching), arthritis or trauma and injury to the head, neck or jaw. When you visit our office, our dentists will carefully examine your jaws and mouth to determine the cause of your TMJ disorder and create a treatment plan.

Common signs of TMJ disorders include:

Your treatment will depend on the severity of your TMJ disorder. Treatments that our dentists may recommend include jaw and facial relaxation exercises, lifestyle changes, restorative dental treatments, night guards and jaw surgery. We may combine several different treatments to provide you with better long-term results. Our dentists may also recommend TMJ therapy using BOTOX® injections.

BOTOX is best known for cosmetic treatment but has also been approved by the FDA to treat many neuromuscular conditions, including TMJ disorders. BOTOX works as a temporary solution for TMJ disorders by blocking pain signals from the nerves to the muscles. BOTOX injections are typically made around the jaw, neck or ears to sooth symptoms and pain. It is an outpatient procedure and is performed with a single needle, so you will be able to leave our office and return to your normal daily routine immediately following treatment.

For more information about TMJ treatment and to schedule your consultation, please contact our office today!